Sight Screening Program
Lions sightscreening bus service
It might be surprising but it is still a fact that in Hungary, even today, six thousand people lose their ability to see every year. What is even more surprising is that the number of people who have serious – but not diagnosed – vision impairment is much higher. They are the people whose quality of life or working conditions are made more difficult because of an ophthalmological disease which they are not even aware of, so the disease it not given any medical attention, at all. An appropriate medical intervention or just a single pair of glasses might be a remedy for a problem with your sight that is diagnosed in the right time. To achieve this, you have to take part in a sight screening examination which, for many of our fellow Hungarians is almost impossible. Our town dwellers might manage a consultation by an eye specialist more easily but also in these settlements, even in Budapest, there are many institutions looking after the old, those with disability, or children, where the inhabitants encounter serious difficulties getting to the right examination. The situation is even worse in case of people who live in smaller settlements. Because of the social situation and the lack of information at these places, taking part in sight screenings regularly might mean a considerable financial and physical hardship for the inhabitants.
The recognition of all these made the Lions Clubs Association of Hungary to start their sight screening program.
As the protection of sight and the prevention of blindness is a fundamental mission in the Lions movement, our Lions friends abroad were more than pleased to join in the realization of the Hungarian sight screening program so the project was realized in frames of an international collaboration.
With the cooperation of the French D-103 Central, the German D-111 SW, the German D-111 NW Lions Districts, and the Lions Clubs Association of Hungary, the complete set of instruments necessary for a complex sight screening and a van for the delivery of these were successfully obtained.
Since October 1st, 2013, thanks to the tireless organizing activities of our clubs, we have managed to complete more than 3000 sight screening examinations in 65 venues. We have visited small settlements, homes for the elderly, homes for children with disability, schools in regions at a disadvantage, but also institutions of cities. Sadly, our experiences accounted for the necessity of our program. There were settlements where 60-70% of the examined patient had to be given medical assistance according to the specialist who carried out the examination.
The Lions sight screening bus constantly goes around the country. If you are interested in our program, please contact us at or look for the Lions club operating in your area.
Lions Clubok eseményei
Meghívó a Monori-Vasadi Böllér Napra2025. február 22. 07:00 VII. Lions Jótékonysági PARTY ITALIANO
2025. február 28. 19:00
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LIONS Clubok Magyarországi Szövetsége D-119Adószámunk:
cím: 1065 Budapest,
Podmaniczky utca 16. Fsz 6.