About the Association

About Us

About Us

Lions Clubs International was founded by Melvin Jones in the United States in 1917. The fulfilment of the noble notion of serving communities resulted in the presence of the Lions movement in 206 countries today, having about 1.35 million members in its 46 000 clubs and being the largest service organisation in the world that is organised on a club basis. At the same time, Lions is one of the most efficient service organisations as it is our goal to fulfil our mission completely.

The motto of the Lions is the following: ‘We Serve.”

Protection of Sight – SightFirst

The basis of the activity of the Lions Clubs International is the protection of sight that is the prevention of vision impairment and providing help for the blind and the visually impaired. To achieve this, in the frames of the SightFirst program, Lions organize eye examinations and eye screenings while they also collect used pairs of glasses and donations.

Youth exchange camp for young people – Youth Exchange

In the service work of Lion members and Lions clubs a great emphasis is given to children and the youth. It is a significant part of our program to organize participation in the exchange camp program abroad (Youth Exchange), and in some exceptional cases, to financially support the journey to the camp. If you are interested in the program, visit the Youth Camp menu above where you can find plenty of interesting information.

Support for those in need

Lions clubs primarily take actions in their own communities as they have the most exact information about who to aid and about the most efficient ways to help in this familiar surroundings. Among their projects we can find the support of the disadvantaged, the ill, children and the old, as well as collecting food donations or organizing cultural programs.

We prepare the young – LEO

Lions pay maximum attention to get young people involved in the service work to the community. There are about 4700 LEO clubs worldwide in 140 countries with a membership of 144 000 active young people. In Hungary there are several LEO clubs where young people familiarize themselves with service work, organize their own programs and help Lions with their projects.

The best civil organization in the world

In 2007, the prestigious American daily, the Financial Times classified 34 international service organizations based on the votes of the professionals in 445 corporations. This was the time when the foundation of Lions Clubs International, the Lions Clubs International Foundation won the honourable title of the best non-government (civil) organization in the world. The respected title was given for LCIF among others because it forwards the full amount of donations, that is, 100 per cent of the collected donations to the people in need.

You can find the official website of Lions Clubs International at www.lionsclubs.org

About the Association


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LIONS Clubok Magyarországi Szövetsége D-119


cím: 1065 Budapest,
Podmaniczky utca 16. Fsz 6.