About the Association

Dear Visitors

Dear Visitor,
Welcome to our website.

You are going to gain some insight into the life of an association which has nearly a thousand members of good intentions in Hungary, and almost one and a half million members all over the world identify themselves with its slogan ‘We serve!’ The chances are that we can welcome you among our members in the future therefore I kindly recommend our website to you.

You might be a person in need or an organisation that supports those in need so please, make sure you look for our clubs, too.

You might be a future supporter of our association because you agree with our mission, please, get in touch with us in order to be able to work together on helping those who need support.

If you have any suggestions or ideas that could help our service to the community, feel free to share it with us by sending an e-mail to .

I hope you will have a nice time surfing on our website while you can also make sure that we, Lions, do not only serve but form a community of real friends!

With friendly Lions greetings,

Péter Hégely

District Governor 2023-2024

About the Association


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LIONS Clubok Magyarországi Szövetsége D-119


cím: 1065 Budapest,
Podmaniczky utca 16. Fsz 6.