
Disaster relief

In the past years there were several occurrences when disasters struck at different places in the world, and whenever this happened, Lions members were among the firsts to offer to do some voluntary work in order to aid the people in need. The international Lions movement and its volunteers were present after the earthquake in Haiti, as well as at the time of the Katrina hurricane. Performing a huge deal of work, Hungarian Lions members were the first on the dams to put both their manual work and enormous hearts into action to be of help at the time of the floods in Borsod in 2010, and the great flood of the Danube in 2013. In both cases, the international LCIF foundation secured an amount of USD 10,000 each as immediate relief; in addition, Hungarian Lions clubs provided financial and material support in the value of about HUF 10,000,000 for the settlements, institutions and families in trouble.



1% támogatás

Kérjük, adója 1 %-ával támogassa szervezetünket, és általa a hátrányos helyzetűeket. Klubunk az adományok 100%-át a nélkülözőknek juttatja.

LIONS Clubok Magyarországi Szövetsége D-119


cím: 1065 Budapest,
Podmaniczky utca 16. Fsz 6.