How to support us
Help by offering 1% of your personal income tax to the Lions Clubs Association of Hungary.
As you may be aware, you can offer 1% of your personal income tax to help our organization.
With this, we can help more and more people in need, as our slogan also states: ‘We Serve’!
What you need to do:
When filing your tax return, attach a statement of provision assigning the name of the Lions Clubs Association of Hungary (LIONS Clubok Magyarországi Szövetsége) as well as its VAT number (19675132-1-43) and put it in a closed envelope that has your name, address and your VAT identification number on it.
By transferring any other financial support to us, you can help our association to realize our basic goals, to complete our service tasks. You can transfer your support to the following accounts managed by the OTP Bank Nyrt.
10300002-20333522-00003285 main account
10300002-20333522-48820019 EUR account
10300002-20333522-40120016 USD account
Thank you for your help!
About the Association
- Dear Visitors
- About Us
- How to be a Lion
- How to support us
- Lions Clubs Association of Hungary Award
- Lions Code of Ethics
- Melvin Jones Fellowship
- Useful links
Lions Clubok eseményei
Meghívó a Monori-Vasadi Böllér Napra2025. február 22. 07:00 VII. Lions Jótékonysági PARTY ITALIANO
2025. február 28. 19:00
1% támogatás
Kérjük, adója 1 %-ával támogassa szervezetünket, és általa a hátrányos helyzetűeket. Klubunk az adományok 100%-át a nélkülözőknek juttatja.
LIONS Clubok Magyarországi Szövetsége D-119Adószámunk:
cím: 1065 Budapest,
Podmaniczky utca 16. Fsz 6.