About the Association

Lions Clubs Association of Hungary Award

LIONS AWARD REGULATIONS – The „LIONS AWARD”, the highest award of recognition to be adjudged by the Lions Clubs Association of Hungary was established with the aim to honour a person every year who does not belong to the association but performs outstanding service in supporting those in need in the country.

Sponsor of the award: the Lions Clubs Association of Hungary

General regulations of the adjudication of the LIONS AWARD

  • The date of the adjudication of the LIONS AWARD is the National Charity Lions Ball to be held every year. In case the ball does not take place or any other circumstance prevents the award from being adjudicated, the award must be adjudicated in frames of the Annual Convention or the representative event that is organized for this purpose and that is given proper publicity in the media.
  • The LIONS AWARD involves no gratuity.
  • The LIONS AWARD is a work of art that was designed for this purpose specifically, it comes with a mounting which has an engraved inscription on a bronze plate. The winner of the award also receives a charter, as well as a pin which they can constantly wear to account for the fact of being awarded.
  • Every Lions club –belonging to the association – can nominate one single person for the award.
  • The nominated person cannot be an active member of the Lions movement, can only be a person who has a clean record and who is not subject to any ongoing police or penal procedure

A condition of the adjudication of the award is to choose a nominee who has demonstrably been an active member of service work for several years.

The nominee cannot be a member of a political party or a functionary of the church and has to carry out the service work free of charge.

The Lions Award Committee (LDB)

A seven-member committee that consists of changing members (the Lions Award Committee) is entitled to adjudicate the award. The three constant members of the committe are three renowned Lions, László Dr. Czeglédi PDG, Gábor Dr. Buzási PDG, and Ákos Ütő PDG. The number of changing members is 4. In case the constant members are long or permanently incapable to perform their task, the Convention has the right to choose another constant member as a replacement. The changing members of the Lions Award Committee are the all-time reigning District Governor, the Immediate Past District Governor, and the Vice Governors. The Lions Award Committee chooses its chairperson and secretary from among its members.

About the Association


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LIONS Clubok Magyarországi Szövetsége D-119


cím: 1065 Budapest,
Podmaniczky utca 16. Fsz 6.