Supporting the blind and the vision impaired
The most important pro bono aim of the Lions movement is the support of our fellow human beings who live with vision impairment. Most of the Lions clubs in different corners of the world arrange, organize and carry out programs every year, in the frames of which they provide support for the vision impaired, as well as the people who have completely lost their sight. The activities of the clubs are diversified; they range from providing and supporting guide-dogs to purchasing learning devices and building unobstructed access to places.
- Community programs
- Cultural programs
- Sight Protection - Sight Screening
- Supporting the blind and the vision impaired
- International connections of clubs
- Health care programs
- Disaster relief
- Maintaining the Lions Accommodation in Pécs
Lions szövetség eseményei
LIONS Clubvezetők találkozója2024. szeptember 27. 14:00 MEGHÍVÓ - LIONS Tri-Jumelage Music Award 2024
2024. október 10. 08:00
1% támogatás
Kérjük, adója 1 %-ával támogassa szervezetünket, és általa a hátrányos helyzetűeket. Klubunk az adományok 100%-át a nélkülözőknek juttatja.
LIONS Clubok Magyarországi Szövetsége D-119Adószámunk:
cím: 1065 Budapest,
Podmaniczky utca 16. Fsz 6.