Peter Aab Lions Music Contest
Tri-Jumelage Peter Aab Youth Music Contest
The sponsoring 3 Lions-Jumelage Districts:
103 C (Centre) France
111 SW (South-West) Germany
119 Hungary
aim to assist the musical development of young people in their districts and encourage the young musicians to reach extraordinary achievements. Those receiving a prize give a performance at the Jumelage meeting of the three Districts every September in frames of a youth music contest that is open to the public.
The following three prizes are given:
EU 2000 for the winner of the first place
EU 1500 for the winner of the second place
EU 1000 for the winner of the third place
Every young musician is eligible to participate who is under the age of 19 on the day of the contest. Each district can submit two participants (irrespective of the place of residence of the participant) in writing, no later than one month before the contest, at the agent of District 111 SW (Germany) responsible for the contest. In case of an unforeseen event it is possible to submit a supplementary candidate in the short run.
The musical instrument must always be different. The agent responsible for music of the District in which the contest is going to take place recommends the musical instrument then a decision is being made in agreement with the agents of the two other Districts in the Tri-Jumelage meeting of the previous year. The same musical instrument can only be played again 3 years later, the earliest.
In the contest, participants perform a compulsory piece and another of their own choice, the duration of which can be maximum 12 minutes long but cannot exceed 15 minutes by any means. The agents of the 3 Districts responsible for music have to select the compulsory piece and the 3 to 5 pieces from which the participants are able to choose by the end of February of the year of the contest – due to the advice of the Jumelage agent of the host country responsible for music. The pieces to be chosen should preferably come from a different musical era than the compulsory piece. If the agents responsible for music do not receive an other proposal they have to ensure that the musical pieces are available in time for the participants.
The jury consists of one music experts from each of the three Districts. The member of the jury should be a professional musician or a music teacher and has to speak one of the languages of the two other Districts, or English. The talks of the jury can be attended by the governors (or deputies) of the three Districts, without having a right to vote. The decision of the three judges is announced orally, in the auditorium, and is only made public later.
The prizes are funded by the “Peter Aab Youth Music Award” – in the other Jumelage Districts, as well.
The travel and accommodation costs of the contestants and their entourage are covered by the sponsoring Districts.
The prizes are handed over in the gala evening. The contestants are obliged to take part in the gala evening and, if requested, give a musical performance.
It is the host District that is responsible for the arrangements in connection with the event (a suitable concert hall, if necessary, getting a piano).
The order of the candidate’s appearance is determined by a draw carried out by the host District’s governor.
Awards and Contests
- Gabriella Wanatka Lions Award
- International Peace Poster Contest
- International photo contest
- Tri-Jumelage
- Peter Aab Lions Music Contest
- Game ball shows and competitions
Lions Clubok eseményei
Meghívó a Monori-Vasadi Böllér Napra2025. február 22. 07:00 VII. Lions Jótékonysági PARTY ITALIANO
2025. február 28. 19:00
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LIONS Clubok Magyarországi Szövetsége D-119Adószámunk:
cím: 1065 Budapest,
Podmaniczky utca 16. Fsz 6.