Charter of Cooperation
between the districts of
103 Centre (France)
111 South-West (Germany)
and 119 (Hungary)
One of the most significant aims of the LIONS movement is to promote understanding between nations of different cultures and religions.
The Lions of Europe together contribute to the aim of building a Europe of strong, peace-loving and just countries.
It was in this context that in 2004, the district governors of the three Districts met to promote the intensification of the interpersonal relationships between club members, the strengthening of the ties of the existing clubs, and the establishment of mutual friendships through meetings of various topics for the youth. In frames of the cooperation the realisation of the following projects is given an accentuated role:
- organising a regular meeting in one of the Districts
- organising musical contests for the youth and a youth camp of the Districts on a regular basis
- organising internships and summer job opportunities for young people living in the area of the Districts
- the Districts commit themselves to do their best to support the close cooperation between the clubs of the three Districts in the long-term, and collaborate in all grounds in order to realize reaching the above mentioned goals worthy of humanity and the understanding among the nations.
The Charter of Cooperation is based on the phrasing above is signed by the District Governors and with the assent of the general assembly of the Districts.
22 September 2007, Budapest
Claude Boscaund
District Governor of D103 Centre France
Wolfgang Henkel
District Governor of D111 South-West Germany
Simon Zoltán
District Governor of D119 Hungary
Awards and Contests
- Gabriella Wanatka Lions Award
- International Peace Poster Contest
- International photo contest
- Tri-Jumelage
- Peter Aab Lions Music Contest
- Game ball shows and competitions
Lions Clubok eseményei
Meghívó a Monori-Vasadi Böllér Napra2025. február 22. 07:00 VII. Lions Jótékonysági PARTY ITALIANO
2025. február 28. 19:00
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LIONS Clubok Magyarországi Szövetsége D-119Adószámunk:
cím: 1065 Budapest,
Podmaniczky utca 16. Fsz 6.